What are pros and cons to sharing economy

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM132910915

Write a paper addressing the following questions:

What is the industry structure of UBER?

What are the competitive strategies of UBER?

What are the pros and cons to a "sharing economy?"

What issues/challenges can a market disruptive innovator like UBER face?

How do the private hire vehicles (registered partners) of UBER relate to outsourcing within a company and what challenges may UBER face in the future for having this hiring structure?

What implications on a personal and business scale could occur if America shifted towards a ‘gig economy?'

Why do you think that disruptive innovators believe it is easier to ask for forgiveness than permission?

Attachment:- The Rise of Uber and Regulating the Disruptive Innovator.rar

Reference no: EM132910915

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