What are potential risks in data collection

Assignment Help Risk Management
Reference no: EM131846509

Question: Data collection poses two important challenges for the consultant. The consultant must collect the right data and then ensure confidentiality in data collection and summarization.

Using scholarly sources from the Argosy University online library resources and the Internet, research the kind of data that should be collected to assess the quality of management in an organization. Then, answer the following questions:

• What processes should be followed to ensure accurate data collection?

• What are potential risks in data collection?

• How would you plan to share feedback with the organization while maintaining confidentiality?

Write a 150- to 200-word response to each question.

Reference no: EM131846509

Questions Cloud

What is a lurking variable : What is a lurking variable? What is the implication of having a lurking variable when we are doing a hypothesis test using the Chi-Squared Distribution?
How to measure and assess organizational performance : It is critical for a consultant to work with the client in determining the scope of the project, clearly defining the expected performance outcomes.
Means of the three populations : Using a = .01, what is your conclusion for the test with the null hypothesis that the means of the three populations are all equal against the alternative
Discuss the learning experiences and cultural competencies : Discuss the learning experiences and cultural competencies that you believe were valued at Nick's school, based on the information presented.
What are potential risks in data collection : Data collection poses two important challenges for the consultant. The consultant must collect the right data and then ensure confidentiality in data collection
What is the score difference between the highest : What is the score difference between the highest 5 percent and the lowest 10 percent of patients?
Describe the statistical analyses used : Describe the statistical analyses used and the multiple regression that is best suited for this type of measurement.
Discussion about the high incidence disabilities : The article talked about that there are studies have shown there are many similarities among students who have High Incidence disabilities.
Describe the learning and innovation 4cs : Describe the cultural competencies you perceive were demonstrated by the students in the Landfill Harmonic project .


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