Was this an attempt to bias trial results

Assignment Help Basic Statistics
Reference no: EM131816233

A manual used by the Dallas County district attorney's office from 1968 to 1976 advised, "Do not take [. . .] a member of any minority race on a jury no matter how rich or well educated."

a. Was this an attempt to bias trial results at the sampling stage or at the stage where jurors must reach a conclusion of guilty/not guilty?10

b. In this example, which of these best describes the source of bias: using a volunteer sample, sampling frame not matching population, using a convenience sample, taking a haphazard sample?

Reference no: EM131816233

Questions Cloud

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Was this an attempt to bias trial results : a. Was this an attempt to bias trial results at the sampling stage or at the stage where jurors must reach a conclusion of guilty/not guilty?10
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