Unique about region and its landscape-ecology

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133198996

1. Where does the field study in the video take place? What is unique about this region and its landscape/ecology?

2. Like all living organisms, Rock pocket mice have evolved to survive in their environment. List the predators of rock pocket mice. Describe the primary trait that mice use to minimize being detected/spotted by their predators?

3. How have mice adapted to their environment and what would you predict would have happened if they had never evolved? What would happen if none of the organisms on earth evolved.

4. Describe how mice evolved over the last 1,000 years, specifically what did research scientist find to be the cause, environmentally and internally at the molecular level, of their new appearance?

5. What is Mc1r?

6. Explain the role of Natural selection in rock pocket mice over the last 1,000 years.

Reference no: EM133198996

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