UFCF8H-15-M Big Data Assignment

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Reference no: EM132590481 , Length: word count:2000

UFCF8H-15-M Big Data - University of West England

Throughout the Big Data course, you have been introduced to a variety of problem-solving skills necessary to address the challenges of extracting useful data, information retrieval, identifying the organizational needs to employ a SQL (Relational) or NoSQL (Big data) storage etc. This assessment is designed to enable you to make the critical decision of which storage to use, that is often faced by Agriculture sector.

One of the critical decisions faced by industries embarking on big data projects is which data storage to use, and often that decision swings between SQL and NoSQL. SQL has the impressive track record, the large installed base, but NoSQL is making impressive gains and has many proponents. Write a discussion paper that discusses all bases on which Agriculture (growing crops) sector (you can consider medium to large scale farmers) should make this critical decision of choosing between SQL and NoSQL data storage. Usually the aim is to increase crops production: using existing datasets, soil sensors, crops monitoring gadgets etc. with the end goal to help agricultural businesses make better, more informed decisions, allowing them to tap into a range of advantages. (Important Note: - You must avoid writing generic Big Data definitions/quotes/examples and you must fully focus on Agriculture (growing crops) sector in your writing / case study / examples)

You must consider ALL of the following points when researching and writing your discussion paper:
• Related datasets and data quality
• Data collection and storage
• Sector readiness and affordability
• Transactions processing requirements
• Analytics and decision support requirements

Attachment:- Big Data.rar

Reference no: EM132590481

Questions Cloud

Calculate the net present value or npv of the project : A manufacturer intends to purchase new production machine,By discounting the future after-tax cash flows, calculate the net present value (NPV) of the project.
Differentiate good decision makers : What factors do you think differentiate good decision makers from poor ones? Relate your answer to the six-step rational decision-making model.
What are the type of dependencies : What are the type of dependencies commonly visualized on the program board
Identify three leadership traits-styles : Great leaders attract a great following. Whether in business, politics, religion, or even in communities, leadership summons
UFCF8H-15-M Big Data Assignment : UFCF8H-15-M Big Data Assignment Help and Solution, University of West England - Assessment Writing Service - identifying the organizational needs to employ
How calculate flexible budget variance for operating income : How Calculate the flexible budget variance for operating income? The static budget, at the beginning of the month, for Wadsworth Company
Knowledge management systems : What are the two most commonly encountered business goals for the application of information or knowledge management systems within an organisation?
Consider the reputation service : Consider the reputation service and the needs of both individual consumers and large organizations that are security conscious.
Creates communication problems : A company that manufactures furniture increasingly finds that their workforce speaks Spanish fluently but not English.


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