Trace the evolution of a nominated ingredient

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Reference no: EM132301489

Question - Trace the evolution of a nominated ingredient. Explain the factors that have contributed to the change in its use over time.

You will choose a food ingredient and explore its culinary use throughout history. You will need to identify how its use throughout history has changed and the factors that have influenced these changes. Ensure you focus on the culinary uses of this ingredient. The pictograph should contain both words and pictures.

Every single photo needs to be APA referenced and every photo has reference under it. Not to many photos - max photos can be 11 - 12 and the ingredient is chillies we only have to write culinary uses like kitchens uses and the revolution time to time the ingredient has taken.

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The paper is about the evolution of a food ingredient.It describes about the factors for change in its use and also emphasizes on culinary use of all the ingredients.

Reference no: EM132301489

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