Theoretical perspectives on the family

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Reference no: EM132311889

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Assignment : Family Theories (e.g., ecological model, feminist, family systems, structural functional, symbolic interaction, etc.) and Context in marriage and families" including gender, race, class issues; marriage and family formations" (e.g., marriage, same sex marriage, singlehood, alternatives to marriage, work and families). Two chapter readings, offering different views of the 8 theories, can be accessed in this week's module. Multiple authors and articles are referenced in the chapters for students who want more information on any one theoretical perspective.

1. Students must write an essay that compares ALL of the family theories discussed in the readings, Theoretical Perspectives on the Family and Theories for Understanding families.

2. Students should also include their own understanding or personal experiences regarding families in their essay. In other words, which of the theories does your family of origin most resemble? Note: there is likely more than one.

3. The assignment must be in the students OWN WORDS, and include citations where appropriate.

The paper should be approximately 2-3 pages, typed and double-spaced. Students should ALWAYS SUBMIT their "best work" free of spelling and grammatical errors. Revisions and re-submissions of this assignment or any other assignment are considered only under special circumstances.


Assignment-Criteria Ratings This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Family Theories comparison Compare 8 theories. Full Marks Partial Points Includes 6 theories Partial PointsIncludes 4 theories Partial Points Includes 3 theories

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePersonal Family reflectionWhich theory best describes your Family of origin? Explain with specific examples.

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar, Language, SpellingHighly skilled presentation of ideas. Engaged reading. Work exceeds expectations for this level of the student. Absolutely no errors in spelling, punctuation, or grammar noted. Partial Pointssome spelling and language errors.

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Citations and References.

Attachment:- Theories for under standing familes.rar

Attachment:- Theories of Families.rar

Reference no: EM132311889

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