The value and usefulness of course content

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132930545

1. Give me your impressions of the value and usefulness of the course content. A simple recitation of the course content is not sufficient. If you disagree with a position taken in the course content, say so.

2. Tell me how you have been able to use what you have learned in the class in your work. If you are not currently working, relate what you have learned to a previous job or to a work situation in which you are familiar.

3. Tell me what subjects or techniques you believe should be expanded, reduced, added, or eliminated in a future iteration of this course.

Reference no: EM132930545

Questions Cloud

Awareness of international business management : How has the information in this class increased your awareness of international business management?
Negative factors for first solar : What are the negative factors for First Solar? What are the sources of First Solar's competitive advantage? Are they sustainable?
Teamwork-motivation and communication : Explain strategies that can be used to create efficient and effective teams. What are the essential elements of effective teams?
Delivering performance appraisals to health care employees : What are some strategies to consider when delivering performance appraisals to health care employees?
The value and usefulness of course content : Give me your impressions of the value and usefulness of the course content. A simple recitation of the course content is not sufficient.
Influenced target to enter canada business : What factors do you think may have influenced Target to enter Canada business? Pull Factors Factors and Push.
Consumer behavior and changes in cultural values : Write a paper in which the interrelationship between consumer behavior and changes in cultural values is reviewed.
About relationship between lindsey and director : What can you say about the relationship between Lindsey and her director? Do you think he is a good manager/leader?
Rapid changes taking place in healthcare organization : Your healthcare manager is concerned about the rapid changes taking place in the healthcare organization.


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