The political debate over net neutrality

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Reference no: EM132622195

The political debate over Net Neutrality has been going on for many, many years now in this country against the backdrop of freedom of information vs. censorship. Write an essay explaining a brief timeline of the controversy, who the stakeholders in the debate are, and what position they are taking in the controversy. Explain whose position you support and why. It is possible you will not agree with either point of view completely. In that event, propose a compromise solution and explain why it is the better outcome of the debate. Below are two short articles outlining the basic idea of the debate. After reading them, research the topic in more depth and use facts or quotations from articles you find to support any conclusions you draw. You must reference at least two additional sources.

The net neutrality debate from both sides

Net Neutrality Debate

Reference no: EM132622195

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