The importance of strategic marketing management

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131529543

PowerPoint Presentation

Compile a PowerPoint presentation demonstrating the importance of strategic marketing management within an organization.

Throughout this course, you have had the opportunity to apply strategic marketing management concepts to multiple organizations. Synthesize this learning into this PowerPoint presentation.

Your PowerPoint length should be 12-15 slides including a title slide and a reference slide. Use of speaker notes is required as well.

Reference no: EM131529543

Questions Cloud

Do you think there is a viable market for such a product : Would you like to own an all-electric car? Do you think there is a viable market for such a product?
Provide a background of the organization describing market : History/Background - Provide a brief background of the organization describing the market, product/service offered and organizational history.
Articulate a plan for fan involvement : Consider fan promotions you would like to include (e.g., coach for a day, poster schedule signings, giveaways, meet-and-greets, mid-match/game contests, etc.).
Identify and describe a potential ethical dilemma : Identify and describe a potential ethical dilemma that a marketer might face when segmenting.
The importance of strategic marketing management : Compile a PowerPoint presentation demonstrating the importance of strategic marketing management within an organization.
Which accounts on balance sheet are moving toward fair value : Is the "available-for-sale" category for debt and equity securities used in SFAS No. 115 a homogeneous category?
Summary of your personal experiences in the pdp module : Write a reflective summary of your personal experiences in the PDP module, the skills you will develop and the impact of these on your career goals
Analyze your current or past organization : Analyze your current or past organization to determine whether it is a centralized or decentralized structure.
Why are interest rate swaps a zero sum game : Are distinctions between the debt and equity classifications airtight?


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