The consumer could remain anonymous

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132621164

1. Some websites are not very useful, functional, or well organized. Why do you believe that websites are approached differently than other software development initiatives? What did Wells Fargo do differently?

2. Consider the feature that the consumer could remain anonymous for as long as they wished. Why would it be beneficial to have the prospective home financing customer anonymous? Why would Wells Fargo encourage (or require) the consumer to contact a representative? Would this interaction increase the likelihood of closing the sale?

3. Wells Fargo said that "We also were mindful that each consumer comes to the transaction with a different level of understanding and with different styles of learning." What challenges does that create for the bank and its website design? Is the marketing of home financing different than marketing other service products?

Attachment:- Case-Building a Home Lending Operation.rar

Reference no: EM132621164

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