Technology and the legal implications

Assignment Help Physics
Reference no: EM131502092

"Technology and the Legal Implications" Please respond to the following:

  • Assess at least three factors that companies must consider with respect to ease of use, ease of management, integration, scalability, mobility, vendor support, and cost when they are opting to install and manage their own technology or utilize cloud computing. Provide at least two examples from industry to support your response.
  • From the case study, analyze Facebook's contractual strategy. Next, suggest the main types of contractual agreements that Mark Zuckerberg, his partners, and Facebook's early investors should have enforced to mitigate risks. Support your suggestion.

Reference no: EM131502092

Questions Cloud

Create a flowchart of the original supply chain : Create a flowchart of the original supply chain and how Chipotle supplies each of the restaurant chains. Provide your own commentary.
Members in a strategic hrm environment : How might organizations work with unions to achieve strategic HRM goals, and how might unions prepare to represent their members in a strategic HRM environment?
Describe the impact of cultural on communication : Describe the impact of cultural on communication and identify strategies you can use to demonstrate cultural sensitivity when working in human services settings
Develop appropriate access control protocols : Develop appropriate access control protocols that provide appropriate amount of protection while allowing user to continue to operate without denial of service.
Technology and the legal implications : Assess at least three factors that companies must consider with respect to ease of use, ease of management, integration, scalability, mobility, vendor support.
Legal liability issues for employers : What are legal liability issues for employers when their employees have drug or alcohol problems?
Compensation liability which still exist today : What are some employer defenses to worker compensation liability which still exist today? What role can a drug-free workplace policy play?
Problem regarding the independent contractor : How does a company determine if a worker is an employee rather than an independent contractor? What legal standards or rules are used?
Write a personal statement to convince the committee : Write a personal statement to convince the application committee why you should be admitted to the graduate program .


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