Supply chains

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132901322

Supply Chains

Walmart's business model revolves around creating a competitive advantage by leveraging suppliers against one another to reduce prices. This has been at the forefront of Walmart's business model so they can attract customers by keeping retail prices to a minimum. For this forum, discuss how this business model has affected their direct and indirect competitors. In addition, discuss how smaller organizations can compete against this retail giant to gain and maintain market share.

More and more companies are achieving sustainability goals through various supply chain processes. Companies are eager to publicize their sustainability efforts through media releases and on their company websites, so examples of sustainability are easy to find on the Internet. What is the role of supply chain management in very small firms, such as family enterprises, independent restaurants, independent hardware stores, and appliance repair shops?

The study of supply chains provides a good opportunity to tie together other topics in operations management like inventory, forecasting, information technology and quality management. Think about a supply chain for a company or product you are familiar with - what is the role and importance of these other supply chain components in supply chain management? How have advances in communication technology affected procurement and distribution in supply chain management? What are the current issues and factors around the world that would affect a company's global supply chain? What issues are pressing in international shipping? - World markets or worldwide trade agreements?

Reference no: EM132901322

Questions Cloud

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How are private-family-run companies governed : 1. How are private, family-run companies governed? What conflicts can arise within these companies?
Creative and innovative leadership : What are the traits of successful leaders in a creative and innovative organization? Cite specific examples.
Communication technologies : We have focused on understanding and using new communication technologies to be more competent communicators.
Supply chains : Walmart's business model revolves around creating a competitive advantage by leveraging suppliers against one another to reduce prices.
Present an overview of its position and arguments : First each side will present an overview of its position and arguments. 500 words. I need help with this
Describe 3-5 techniques that managers can use : Describe 3-5 techniques that managers can use to make better decisions. (2 slides)
Economic blog on price elasticity of demand : Find a recent (within the last 6 months) article or economic blog on price elasticity of demand, and briefly summarize the information.
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