Summarize what the point of the thought experiment is

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Reference no: EM132308018

Before class Wednesday, upload a short (1 page or less) analysis of ONE of the following thought experiments from "The Pig that Wants to be Eaten": 13 "Black, White, and Red All Over", 31 "Just So," 38 "I am a Brain", 39 "The Chinese Room" or 93 "Zombies." Your analysis should do the following:

1. Summarize what the point of the thought experiment is. What question is it getting you to ask?

2. Explain what theory of mind from the four we discussed in class is most challenged by this experiment.

Reference no: EM132308018

Questions Cloud

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Summarize what the point of the thought experiment is : Summarize what the point of the thought experiment is. What question is it getting you to ask?
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