Summarize the grounds of discrimination that courtney

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Reference no: EM132764606


Human Rights Trial Fact Scenario

Courtney is a cleaning custodian who has worked at ANOFA Company for 5 years. ANOFA is a manufacturer of auto parts. She is responsible for dusting furniture, washing windows, mopping floors and performing other general cleaning duties and has successfully passed all her performance appraisals.

Her new manager Jordan has been drafting new job descriptions for all employees at ANOFA Company. Effective immediately, all new and current cleaning custodians must be able to lift 70 pounds from waist to shoulder.

Courtney is not able to meet this standard. She has never had to lift anything more than 20 or 30 pounds and there seems to be nothing in her duties which requires someone to have to be able to lift that much.

Jordan told her that it is impossible to accommodate her.

However, the company had alternative work for her which it assigned to her. Her new role was that of Quality Assurance Associate where she would be ensuring that all products manufactured by the employer met specific guidelines.

Everything was going well and Courtney really liked her new position.

About a few months in this new position, she noticed her new manager Jonathan was paying her a lot of attention. He even asked her out on a date. She politely refused him. After her rejection of him, Jonathan began to "write her up" for infractions. Up to this point, Courtney never had a blemish in any of her work reports but now she is repeatedly being told that she is not measuring up.

She has been given notice that she must increase the pace of her work or else her employment may be terminated.

Courtney feels that this is not fair! She decided to confront her manager. When she went to his office, Jonathan closed the door. This made Courtney nervous but she stated her case. Suddenly, Johnathan began massaging her shoulders, telling her that "her troubles would be over if she went out with him."

Courtney was upset and ran out of the office and left work early that day.

The next day, she came back to work. Jonathan saw her and let her know that she was being let go for abandoning her workstation.

Courtney has approached you about filing a complaint with the Human Rights Tribunal on your behalf. Your job is to present her case of discrimination against ANOFA Company.


You are to provide a written report in the following format:

Summary of Issues: this is where you summarize the grounds of discrimination that Courtney experienced


here you provide details of each ground of discrimination. You should make reference to the applicable section(s) of the Human Rights Code and provide examples of relevant case law. Outline any tests, if applicable. The text has examples of cases with similar fact scenarios. Use online resources such as to find more examples. Separate into subsections for each pertinent issue.


this is where you draft your conclusion and state the remedy sought. In this case, you are asking the tribunal to award Courtney $25,000 damages for loss of dignity.

This is not meant to be an extensive report. Three to four pages maximum should be sufficient to outline your position and present your case.

You will present Courtney's case. You can use your report to help you during your presentation at trial but be careful not to merely read the report verbatim. You are required to submit your written report.

Reference no: EM132764606

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