Suggest 50 different ways to celebrate for the holidays

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Reference no: EM131753457


Answer the following questions. On both questions, be sure that you are descriptive and detailed in your answers.

1. Suggest 50 different ways to celebrate for the holidays. Organize the 50 ways in a list format.

2. Carry out a futuring exercise to visualize taking a final exam in the year 2030 in Short Essay format.


Use black text only.

Text size needs to be 12 point size.

Text needs to be singled spaced.

Opinion: When a question asks for your opinion, its answer is exactly that-your opinion. Feel free to use your own opinion.

Cite Examples: For this class, you may use a citation right after the answer to a question, or you may list your references at the end of the
project. It is not required to have a separate reference page for this class.

Stating the Question before

Answering It: While some reports require that you state the question before your answer, in this class it is not required to do this.

Pictures: Resist the temptation for using pictures in your projects for this class unless it is required. Instead, focus on your writing abilities.

Reference no: EM131753457

Questions Cloud

Difference in the mean ages of the two groups : Test the claim that there is difference in the mean ages of the two groups. Use a = 0.01.
What is the term that describes an entity that purchases : What is the term that describes an entity that purchases the accounts receivables of a water
Confidence interval for the mean number of rooms : The population of rooms rented daily is assumed to be normally distributed for each month with a standard deviation of 24 rooms.
Conduct an analysis of variance test : Conduct an analysis of variance test to determine whether there is any evidence that the population mean times through some pair of traffic bottlenecks.
Suggest 50 different ways to celebrate for the holidays : Suggest 50 different ways to celebrate for the holidays. Organize the 50 ways in a list format.
Predict the gas mileage when the vehicle is traveling : Predict the gas mileage when the vehicle is traveling at 79 miles per hour.
Who are the new gate keepers : What would result from the old-style type of gatekeeper having that same type of control over the Internet? Who are the new gate keepers?
Determine adjusting entries and enter them in the general : Determine adjusting entries and enter them in the general journal, Enter the adjusting entries in the order shown above
Compute the sample mean weight for each sample : Compute the sample mean weight for each sample. Given your conclusion in part (a), which pair(s) of population means do you think are different?


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