Strategy for securing e-business systems

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM131512692

Given an interview for a position as an E-Business Security Manager, you are asked the question: How would you get started and what does e-security consist of in a corporation?

you are the acting computer security officer, and you have been instructed to report serious computer crime that has just occurred in your department. You know that investigation of computer crime and collecting evidence has unique issues. Describe four recommend ways to preserve the evidence. What is meant by the term "evidence admissibility"?

Describe the just-in-time (JIT) strategy for securing e-business systems. What two reasons drove this strategy to emergence? On what functions is the JIT based?

When speeding up the process of developing systems, e-businesses make judicious use of automated tools. When an e-business implements automated tools, what three main security goals are satisfied? Describe how these automated tools improve the e-business Validation, Verification, and Testing (VV&T) process.

Reference no: EM131512692

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