State one application of radioactive isotopes

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Reference no: EM132812829

Question 1. Define the following terms

I; Half life (t1/2): .....................................................................

II; Radioactivity: .....................................................................

III; Isotopes: ..........................................................................

IV; Isobars: ..............................................................................

Question 2. (a) State two differences between nuclear and chemical reactions

Table 1


Nuclear reaction  Chemical reaction

(b) The reaction scheme below shows a radioactive decay series starting from 21483Bi Study the scheme and answer the questions that follow.


(i) Identify the particles emitted at; 3rd step; ...................
5th step; ...................

(ii) Write the nuclear equation for the reaction which took place in the 1st step.

3). Table 2 shows the percentage of radioactive isotopes of bismuth remaining after decay at different times

Table 2


Time (Minutes)  0 6 12 22 38 62 100
Percentage of Bismuth  100 81 65 46 29 12 3

(i) On the grid provided, plot a graph of percentage (vertical axis) against time


(ii) Using the graph, determine;

I; The half life of Bismuth
II; The original mass of bismuth, given that the mass remaining after 70 minutes was 0.16 g


(4) Table 3 gives the rate of decay for a radioactive isotope A (where A is not the actual symbol for the element)

Table 3


Number of days  Mass (g)
0 400
240 50

Calculate the half life (t1/2) of element A

(5) One hundred grams (100 g) of a radioactive 23391Pa was reduced to 6.25 g after 108 days. Determine the half life (t1/2) of 23391Pa.

(6) Q grams of a radioactive isotope decayed to10 g in 80 days. The half life of the isotope is 20 days. Calculate the initial mass Q of the radioactive isotope.

(7) After 45 days, 1/8 of the mass of a radioactive isotope remained. Determine its half life (t1/2).

(8) Determine the values of T1 and T2 in the nuclear equation below.


T1; ...................................

T2; ...................................

(9) Explain the source of electrons in a radioactive process.

(10) State dangers associated with the exposure of human beings to radioisotopes

(11) State one application of radioactive isotopes in;

I; Medicine...............................................................

II; Agriculture.........................................................

III; Industry............................................................

IV; Nuclear power stations................................

(12) State two differences between nuclear fusion and fission;

Fusion  Fission

13). Complete diagram 1 to show how particles are distinguished. Label the diagram clearly.


diagram 1

14). Explain why it is not safe to store radioactive substances in containers made from aluminum sheets.

15) A radioisotope B2 decays by emitting three alpha (α) particles and two beta (β) to from 21483Bi.

Determine the atomic and mass numbers of B2?

Atomic number; ..............................
Mass number; .................................

16) Describe how radioactive solid wastes should be disposed

Attachment:- RADIOACTIVITY.rar

Reference no: EM132812829

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