Stages of new product development process

Assignment Help Microeconomics
Reference no: EM131789826

Question: Why is it better to invest heavily in marketing during the early stages of new product development process?

To ensure that thorough and efficient examination and evaluation is made of all of the variables involved at the start rathen than when the process becomes more complex.

Customers are more likely to make a purchase decison in the beginning stage of NPD so the company wants to make sure the customer is aware of the prodcut. Competitors don't care what the company is doing during the early stages of NPD and it is a good opportunity to get "the jump" on the competition.

Reference no: EM131789826

Questions Cloud

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Stages of new product development process : To ensure that thorough and efficient examination and evaluation is made of all of the variables involved at the start rathen than when the process becomes.
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Determine the economic order quantity : Determine the economic order quantity. Determine the annual cost savings if the shop change from an order size of 15 units to the economic order quantity.


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