Solving problem using substitution and graphing method

Assignment Help Algebra
Reference no: EM1318710

Question: Assume you are in the market for a new home & are interested in a new housing community under construction in a different city.

[A] The sales representative later indicates that there are 3 times as many homes available with the second floor plan than the first. Make an equation that illustrates this situation. 

[B] The sales representative informs you that there are two floor plans still available, & that there are a total of 56 houses available. Use x to represent floor plan #1 & y to represent floor plan #2. Make an equation that illustrates the situation.

[C] What are the intercepts of the equation from part a of this problem? Find the intercepts from part b of this problem? Where would the lines intersect if you solved the system by graphing?

[D] Use the equations from part a & b of this exercise as a system of equations. Use substitution to determine how many of each type of floor plan is available. Describe the steps you used to solve the problem.

Reference no: EM1318710

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