Solutions to alleviate the damage done to the environment

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133193301 , Length: Word count: 200 words

Assignment Task: Read the Central Case Study - Mining for ...Cell Phone? in Chapter 11 of your course textbook. Explore the implications of the excessive demands for resources from Western nations. Share other newsworthy cases of conflict minerals and how these are extracted from the earth in order to create the products that are purchased by citizens from affluent nations. In your research, explain why the mineral in question is deemed a "conflict mineral" and address the issues that are created socially, economically and environmentally when these raw minerals are extracted. Share some possible solutions to alleviate the damage done to the environment and the people who are directly impacted by the extraction of conflict minerals.

Attachment:- Central Case Study - Mining for, cell phones.rar

Reference no: EM133193301

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