Sm110 communication for sales assignment

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Reference no: EM132432702

SM110 Communication for Sales

Image result for sales career path

Project Description:

Choose a Sales Career path that is of high interest to you along with the name of a company that you have interest in working for. For example, Real Estate Sales with Coldwell Banker, Investment Sales with Goldman Sachs, Sales Specialist at Apple, etc.

Put together a PowerPoint presentation describing why you chose that field and company, and include the following:

Question 1) Describe a typical day of a salesperson in this field.

Question 2) What are the challenges and obstacles you may face with your product or service?

Question 3) Is your product/service unique?

Question 4) Identify your primary competition.

Question 5) What are the average earnings of a salesperson in this field?

Question 6) What are the future trends for this product/service?

Reference no: EM132432702

Questions Cloud

Find the net present value of the project : Assume initially the project is all equity funded and the expected rate of return on equity is 20%. Find the net present value (NPV) of the project.
How had wilson attitude toward war changed : Analyze and compare the documents that entered the United States in the Great War- Wilson's Joint Address to Congress Leading to a Declaration of War against.
What is ipo underpricing : What is IPO underpricing? If you decide to try to buy shares in every IPO, will you necessarily make money from the underpricing?
Which reasons motivated united states to adopt a policy : Which of the following reasons do you believe motivated the United States to adopt a policy of imperialism in the late 19th century?
Sm110 communication for sales assignment : SM110 Communication for Sales Assignment help and solutions:-What are the average earnings of a salesperson in this field?Describe typical day of a salesperson
Find the leverage ratio to get the roe : Given the following information, calculate the return on equity for Regrets Only Dating Services, Inc.:
What you can infer about the cultures : Reflect on what you can infer about the cultures that practice those religions based on your answers to the previous questions.
What is the return on stockholders equity for a firm : What is the return on stockholders equity for a firm with a net profit margin of 5.2 percent, sales of $620,000, a leverage multiplier of 1.8
Fixed rate determined on the swap initiation date : What is the fixed rate determined on the swap initiation date? Calculate the swap value on the initiation date.


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