SEC 435 Network Penetration Testing Assignment

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Reference no: EM132473253 , Length: word count:1300

SEC 435 Network Penetration Testing Assignment - Strayer University, USA

Assignment: Case Study

Research the web and find an appropriate incident related to either a successful or failed penetration testing effort, or a successful or unsuccessful hacking attempt against an organization, business or government facility. Lay out the details of the case, and provide your analysis of what was done and why, and speculate on what should have been done, or could have been done differently. As part of your analysis, you can speculate on what you might have done to change the outcome of your particular case. Draw specific lessons from the case and possible recommendations for future situations.

Write a paper with no less than five pages in which you:

1. Research the web and identify a case study with an appropriate situation related to penetration testing or hacking for or against a business, organization, or government facility.

2. Lay out the case details, and provide your analysis of what was done and why, the results of the effort, the specific threats and vulnerabilities, and what mitigation was attempted or should have been attempted.

3. You may speculate on what actions you might have taken in a similar situation as part of your analysis.

4. Draw specific lessons and recommendations from your analysis of the case as part of the conclusion, and have a strong concluding paragraph. Be sure to revise your introduction to reflect what the paper accomplished once you finish your first draft.

5. Use no less than five quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Note - Need 1300 words paper. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

Reference no: EM132473253

Questions Cloud

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SEC 435 Network Penetration Testing Assignment : SEC 435 Network Penetration Testing Assignment Help and Solution - Strayer University, USA. Research the web and identify case study with appropriate situation
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Concern about their future and attempt to increase : An interesting paradox called the "Paradox of Thrift" arises when households become concern about their future and attempt to increase their saving.


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