Role of internetworking to support business

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM131497686 , Length: word count:700

Network requirement analysis and plan

Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping)

Main objectives of this assignment is to enable student to analyse a business case study, develop requirements, select networking devices for the given business case and plan a network design. After successful completion of this assignment, students should be able to:

a. Analyse and discuss the significance of internetworking for contemporary organisations.

b. Explain the role of internetworking to support business and technical goals through planning and design.

c. Develop architectural internetworking design for the business, information, technology, and application domains.

Assignment 1 Specification

Business case study: Choose one of the four business case studies provided in the appendix at page 5. You have to inform your instructor on the choice before start working on the assignment.


For a chosen business case, write a report on the following points:

a. Analyse and discuss the significance of internetworking for the chosen business case.

b. Develop hardware requirements for a network with device specifications including series, model and features.

c. Draw architectural internetworking design for the business in Netsim.

Write a report with the following contents

 Project Scope
 Project hardware requirements
- Name of the network device with manufacturer's name, series, model, features and ports
- Type of the cables
- Name of the server, PC with specification such as operating system, RAM, hard disk etc.
 Network Design in Netsim (You should not use packet tracer)
 Outcomes / benefits of the proposed design
 Limitations and conclusions.

Project scope - Outline of the report ( in 3-4 sentences)

Challenges - Write at least 3 appropriate challenges you might face during network setup.

Project hardware requirements

- Name of the network device with manufacturer's name, series, model, features and ports

- Type of the cables

- Name of the server, PC with specification such as operating system, RAM, hard disk etc.

Network Design in Netsim

You should not use packet tracer

Write justification for the selected network design

Outcomes Write at least 2 outcomes of the network.

Limitations Write limitations of the hardware devices used in your design.

Conclusions Write clear conclusion of the case study.

Demonstration Demonstrate detailed network design on Netsim.

Reference style Follow IEEE reference style

Reference no: EM131497686

Questions Cloud

Summarize the information on your states fact sheet : Summarize information on your state's fact sheet. Explain the impact this type of situation may have on family relationships and the development of the child.
Calculate the expected return and standard deviation : Calculate the expected return and standard deviation of returns for portfolios that are 25%,75% and 125% invested in the market portfolio.
Determine the probable average cost per hour : Determine the probable average cost per hour over the life of the equipment for owning and operating a wheel loader under the conditions listed below.
Determined by the convenience yield on inventories : Show graphically how the relation of the spot and the forward price of oil is determined by the convenience yield on inventories,
Role of internetworking to support business : MN503 - T1 2017 Analyse and discuss the significance of internetworking for contemporary organisations - Explain the role of internetworking to support business
What constraints would be reasonable to put on weights : What constraints would be reasonable to put on the weights?
What are advantages and disadvantages of equipment rental : A crawler tractor costs $250,000, has an estimated salvage value of $50,000, and has a 5-year life. Find the annual depreciation and book value at the end.
Current share price : No dividends will be paid on the stock over the next nine years because the firm needs to plow back its earnings to fuel growth. what is the current share price
Find annual depreciation and book value at end of each year : A crawler tractor costs $250,000, has an estimated salvage value of $50,000, and has a 5-year life. Find the annual depreciation and book value at the end.



5/16/2017 6:16:53 AM

Grades Excellent Very Good Project scope Concise and specific to the project Topics are relevant and soundly analysed. Challenges Concise and specific to the project Topics are relevant and soundly analysed. Project hardware requirements Demonstrated excellent ability to think critically and sourced reference material appropriately Demonstrated excellent ability to think critically but did not source reference material appropriately Network Design in Netsim Logic is clear and easy to follow with strong arguments Consistency logical and convincing Outcomes All elements are present and very well integrated. Components present with good cohesive Limitations All elements are present and very well integrated. Components present with good cohesive Conclusions All elements are present and very well integrated. Components present with good cohesive Demonstration Logic is clear and easy to follow with strong arguments Consistency logical and convincing


5/16/2017 6:15:58 AM

Main objectives of this assignment is to enable student to analyse a business case study, develop requirements, select networking devices for the given business case and plan a network design. After successful completion of this assignment, students should be able to: a. Analyse and discuss the significance of internetworking for contemporary organisations. b. Explain the role of internetworking to support business and technical goals through planning and design. c. Develop architectural internetworking design for the business, information, technology, and application domains.

Write a Review

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