Review united states department of agriculture

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM132450963

1. Review United States Department of Agriculture: Meeting your myplate goals on a budget

Provide four (4) nursing interventions/actions the RN can take to promote good nutrition for people eating on a budget.  Be sure to provide a rationale for each intervention/action.

2. Review the following resources (2015) My plate, My wins, Healthy eating solutions for everyday life retrieved from

Choose a developmental period, and imagine you are teaching a family about ways to achieve the goal.  Identify a specific way that one might incorporate that concept.  For example, one of the tips is to move to low fat or fat-free milk or yogurt.  For an adolescent who drinks whole milk, you might suggest the patient go down from whole to 2%, 1% and then fat free in stages, so they can get used to the difference taste.

This needs to be in APA format, 250 words or more and listed references at the end.

Reference no: EM132450963

Questions Cloud

High rates of alcohol dependence and abuse : Why do various ethnic groups suffer disproportionately high rates of alcohol dependence and abuse?
Impacting health care delivery in the united states : How does social, economic, technological, ethical, or legal issue is impacting health care delivery in the United states?
What is the common-size statement value of inventory : A firm has sales of $1,030, net income of $187, net fixed assets of $505, What is the common-size statement value of inventory
What is a financial option : What is a financial option? What is the single most important characteristic of an option?Consider Triple Play's call option with a $25 strike price.
Review united states department of agriculture : 1. Review United States Department of Agriculture: Meeting your myplate goals on a budget
Associate degree in nursing program : As a student in Excelsior College's Associate Degree in Nursing program, you will be required to transition from your current role to the Registered Nurse role.
Gallbladder as an accessory organ of digestion : Also give an example or 2 in a nursing setting or a any example that relates to the process of the gallbladder as an accessory organ of digestion.
ERP with financial and managerial accounting systems : How does the use of an ERP with financial and managerial accounting systems contribute to a company's success?
Compute the standard cost of one unit of product : Parson Company is planning to product 1,990 units of products in 2017. Compute the standard cost of one unit of product


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