Respect nature-ownership and control of environments

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Reference no: EM132454660

Question 1: Compare and Contrast the "Respect Nature", "Ownership and Control of Environments", and "Landscapes in the Service of Remote Consumers" paradigms. In your response, be certain to include:

  • The effects on the environment of each paradigm.
  • The social justice and human equity implications of each paradigm. 
  • From a Human-Ecological perspective, what are the good and bad points of each paradigm?

Question 2: Explain why the belief in the possibility of unlimited growth must give way to a new paradigm, if we are to live well in the Anthropocene. Include an explanation of why programs to bring the poor up to the levels of profligacy enjoyed by the rich are impossible.

Question 3: Discuss the problems of industrial commodification of food systems and the solutions to those problems. Explain how engaged ecological citizens, who are prepared to demand local sustainable food systems, could extend relevant ethical principles and standards to distant lands and remote land managers and have expectations that the systems of production that supply them are also just and sustainable.

Question 4: Discuss the need for modern society to shift to a paradigm of Sufficiency, within which just and sustainable wellbeing for all of creation becomes the norm. How can this be achieved on an Earth That Is Full? Include consideration of both ecological, and social and environmental justice and human equity issues.

Reference no: EM132454660

Questions Cloud

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Summarize the pros of incorporating technology : Summarize the pros of incorporating technology into the teaching and learning process. Describe what is considered acceptable netiquette in your classroom.
What did you learn from taking this assessment : What did you learn from taking this assessment? What action do you plan to take as a result of this assessment?
Respect nature-ownership and control of environments : Compare and Contrast the "Respect Nature", "Ownership and Control of Environments", and "Landscapes in the Service of Remote Consumers" paradigms.
Discuss about the estimating project effort : Describe the method(s) used to determine the effort estimate. Identify and describe all assumptions made to determine the effort estimate.
How might implementation support better outcomes : If you were to implement this study, what would be your next steps? How might implementation support better outcomes for young children and their families?
Describe the bengali tradition you selected : Read the Chapter 4- 8 of " The Namesake" by Jhumpa Lahiri and write a 1- to 2-page essay in which you assess the value of your selected tradition
Why you believe lahiri chose nikolai gogol : Read the Chapter 4- 8 of " The Namesake" by Jhumpa Lahiri and write 2 paragraphs in which you analyze the meaning of Gogol's name.


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