Research paper on garden city

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Reference no: EM132438605 , Length: 5

Garden City Research Paper

Question 1: Identify one of the many "myths" about vocation, calling, or career planning that we've exposed through our Garden City readings and discussions in this class.

Question 2: Consider why and how these myths are cultivated within society and/or your personal worldview. Why is this myth problematic or detrimental? What does it cause individuals to feel, do, and be? What are alternatives to this perspective and how can an alternative understanding of the issue create freedom, opportunity, and confidence for an individual in his/her search for meaning?

Question 3: In addition to using references from the Garden City text, find three other sources to support your hypothesis about where these myths came from, why they are detrimental, and/or how other perspectives can positively shift the trajectory of one's future. Ideally, you will use other books and scholarly articles for your outside sources.

  • Your paper should be 10 pages long, double-spaced using 11-12pt font. Be sure to use appropriate citations for the Garden City quotes, as well as any other sources you reference.

Include all sources in your bibliography.

  1. Before writing your paper, please provide Professor Adams with a brief summary (3-4 sentences) about which myth you will address and why. You can email this to her or bring to class next week.

Example Myths (You're not limited to these)

  • The goal of work is to earn more money, to get more stuff, to get prompted, to have power, to live a life of leisure
  •  Work is cursed and will make you miserable
  • Only religious jobs in the church or with non-profits are considered "sacred"
  • Your major will define your future career - so you have to get it right
  • You will someday "arrive" at your purpose, calling, or vocation
  • There is only one right job/career path for you
  • Picking a major and a career are the same thing
  • Passion will always pay the bills
  • Work is an obligation and the goal is a life of leisure
  • When you love what you do, it won't feel like work
  • If you work harder and longer and faster and do more, you'll be most successful
  • Success/money/power are the most important goals
  • Work is limited to just your job or what you get paid for
  • We are puppets on a string, working at the whim of a master - employees vs. partners
  • You can do anything if you put your mind to it
  • We were created to work for our own benefit and pleasure
  • Because you don't know your calling/purpose yet, you can't live it out yet
  • Making the wrong choice about a major, job, career pathway could keep you from fulfilling your potential/purpose
  • You can/should figure out who you are and what you're going to do and stick with it
  • Parts of life are spiritual and other parts of life are secular
  • Doing, being, getting more is always better
  • You have no limits
  • Only "spiritual" work can glorify God
  • You have everything you need already to fulfill your purpose
  • Our identity is established through our work/leisure - we are what we do
  • There is one exact right next step toward your future/purpose
  • Man/people were made for the Sabbath

Reference no: EM132438605

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