Research on quantitative models in supply chain risk

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM131685413 , Length: word count:3500

Global Supply Chain Complexity and Risk Management Assessments

Assessment Task 1: Risk Analysis

Task: You will be given few reports from supply chain risk management. You need to analyse those reports from a strategic perspective. You should identify the potential risks and their impact - both quantitative and qualitative. You should also analyse the potential causes of the risk and how the risk affects the whole supply chain network. You should suggest the strategies with their strengths and weaknesses. You should also perform a comparative analysis from the reports for the last few years. Reports: supply chain resilience reports 2012- 2016.

Assessment Task 2: Group Project

Task: Report on identification of different types of sudden risks and disruptions in an Australian supply chain system. Discuss the potential impact and strategies to deal with them. You also need to discuss benefits by applying disruption management strategies. You should consider all supply, operations and distribution systems to develop the report.

Assessment Task 3: Research Project

Task: Research on quantitative models in supply chain risk, uncertainty and disruption management. The research should focus on different categories of risks, uncertainty and disruptions, critical review, quantitative models to handle supply chain risks, uncertainty and disruptions and their contributions and limitations, research gaps in the literature and future research direction for a better resilient supply chain. The research should also demonstrate a reflective approach to building organisational agility through adoption of professional risk and complexity management practices in supply chains with particular emphasis on ethical and social responsibility issues in risk management.

Please see the requirements in Assessment 3: Research Individual.

Assessment task 3: Research Project (Individual)

This assignment consists of a research paper (maximum 5000 words, Excluding abstract, appendices and references). The task involves research on quantitative models in supply chain risk, uncertainty and disruption management. The research should focus on different categories of risks, uncertainty and disruptions, critical review, quantitative models to handle supply chain risks, uncertainties and disruptions and their contributions and limitations, research gaps in the literature and future research direction for better resilient supply chain.

You need to review the literature as a researcher to explore and critically analyse the quantitative models in supply chain risk, uncertainty and disruption management. You should also consider ethical and social responsibility aspect in risk management. We are looking for a creative review paper for this assessment.

You should review the relevant literature from different databases such as scopus, google scholar, and publisher sites (science direct, emerald, springer and so on). You should select at least 60-70 papers (most of them should be from 2008- present) for this research paper. After the analysis of the published papers in the field, you also need to suggest a future research direction.

The research paper should consist following sections:

a) Introduction

b) Literature review on quantitative models

c) Ethical and social responsibility for risk management

d) Analysis

e) Future research direction

f) Discussion and Conclusion

Structure and format of paper -

1) Title page (Provided through UTSOnline)

2) Abstract

3) Introduction

4) Literature review on quantitative models

5) Ethical and social responsibility for risk management

What are the ethical responsibility principles in risk management?

What are the social responsibility practices in risk management?

What are the frameworks applied for business practice in terms of ethical and social responsibility?

6) Analysis

7) Future research direction

8) Discussion and Conclusion

9) References

Attachment:- Assignment File.rar

Reference no: EM131685413

Questions Cloud

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Research on quantitative models in supply chain risk : 21947 - Global Supply Chain Complexity and Risk Management Assessments. Task: Research on quantitative models in supply chain risk
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10/21/2017 2:51:46 AM

Subject: Supply Chain Management. No Of Pages/Words: 3500. Please see the requirements in Assessment 3: Research Individual. * Important note: please cite at least 60 references. Excellent and professional standard, Literature review excellently reflect the knowledge of quantitative models Excellent critical review. In-depth and relevant judgement and evaluation of framework applied. Thanks.


10/21/2017 2:51:40 AM

Use Font 12 Times new roman with 1.5 spacing, single column, justified and 2.5 cm margin in all four sides for the report body and submit a Microsoft Word file. All assignments must include a group cover sheet which is downloadable from UTSOnline. While your experience and views are the essential components of your assignments, the appropriate use of literature is required to provide evidence-based suggestions. You should include a list of all references you use in writing your assignments. Note that all assignments will be checked for originality (similarities to existing sources) on Turnitin.


10/21/2017 2:51:34 AM

The study guide has been designed to assist you in studying the subject with ease. The Study Guide clearly defines the topics covered in the subject, the objective(s) of each topic, specific text and reference materials for each topic, as well as a brief description on the content of each topic. It is NOT meant to be a complete set of lecture notes for the subject. To study the subject, you not only need this Study Guide, but also the readings of the Subject Outline and resources highlighted in each topic.


10/21/2017 2:51:26 AM

Policy for late submission - The Management Discipline Group has the following policy regarding the late submission of assessments WITHOUT an approved extension: Late assignments submitted without an extension will accrue a penalty of 10% per day, based on the total value of the assignment. For example, if an assignment is worth 40%, the late penalty will result in a deduction of 4 marks per day the assignment is late. Marks will be deducted as full points off the awarded mark. Late penalties are applied up to a maximum of five (5) days after the due date.

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