Recommend for the frequency distribution

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM131825744

A set of data consists of 38 observations. How many classes would you recommend for the frequency distribution?

Reference no: EM131825744

Questions Cloud

What is the midpoint of the 2 up to 4 class : The following chart shows the number of patients admitted daily to Memorial Hospital through the emergency room.
The cost of capital can be described best : Which of the following is true of financial leverage? The cost of capital can be described best as the:
Explain why would a company want to implement six sigma : Explain what is Six Sigma? Why would a company want to implement it? What questions must strategy makers consider to begin the implementation process?
Determine the relative frequency distribution : Comment on the shape of the frequency distribution. Also determine the relative frequency distribution.
Recommend for the frequency distribution : A set of data consists of 38 observations. How many classes would you recommend for the frequency distribution?
How many classes would you suggest : A set of data contains 53 observations. The minimum value is 42 and the maximum value is 129. The data are to be organized into a frequency distribution.
What technologies might you propose to the company : What technologies might you propose to the company to improve overhead and allow employees the opportunity to work from home? Why is this important?
How many of each color should it produce : If Wellstone Inc. plans to produce 1 million cell phone covers, how many of each color should it produce?
Develop a frequency table and a relative frequency : Develop a frequency table and a relative frequency table to summarize this information.


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