Receiving the benefits of tips and suggestions

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM131512527

Discussion question: Is online comparative shopping for vacations and other travel all that it is "cracked up to be" or have consumers "lost out" using online shopping for travel when it comes to receiving the benefits of tips and suggestions that were once provided by travel agents with years of experience?

Requires: APA Style in-text citations and a Reference Table for any "borrowed" data obtained from a source

Reference no: EM131512527

Questions Cloud

Team goals for success : Through the use the group WIKI, you will work to determine how are you going to keep moving towards your team goals for success.
Experience in clinical settings as a nurse : Using the PICOT format, what clinical questions can you pose about your experience in clinical settings as a Nurse?
Understand the role of unions and assess : This exercise has several purposes. The main one is to have you understand the role of unions and assess whether they are relevant today.
Cloud computing and database management system : Research paper on the following topics Cloud Computing and Database Management System (DBMS)/ Four page minimum with at least two primary reference sources cite
Receiving the benefits of tips and suggestions : Is online comparative shopping for vacations and other travel all that it is "cracked up to be" or have consumers "lost out" using online shopping.
Handbook say about leadership and management : What does the NEMA EM Director's Handbook say about leadership and/or management? Is there a good model, like the USMC Principles suggest?
Opportunities specific to human services programs : Discuss unique administrative and managerial challenges and opportunities specific to human services programs.
Main relevance among metrics tools : What do you think is the main relevance (link) among metrics tools such scorecards, planning, and decision making!
Analyze the quality of a particular vehicle : How would you use ANOVA to analyze the quality of a particular vehicle?


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