Receive highest level evaluation for the year

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132210586

A female employee and her (now) spouse are hired as elementary teachers and receive the highest level evaluation for the year. At the end of the school year, the principal calls the two into her office with both their résumés on the desk and says she noticed they both went to the same art school, and have had the same address for 30 years, so one of them must leave, and the two must decide between them which one. One left the school, and the other is constantly harassed, publicly intimidated, and humiliated by the principal. Is this a sufficient basis for a Title VII claim? [Boutillier v. Hartford Pub. Schools, No. 3:2013cv01303-Doc 58 (D. Conn. 2016)]

Reference no: EM132210586

Questions Cloud

Explain how understanding your personal learning style : Explain how understanding your personal learning style can assist you when identifying, evaluating and selecting development opportunities.
External environmental assessment factor : Which one is NOT an external environmental assessment factor?
Learn about and analyze unfamiliar audience : What methods can you suggest to learn about and analyze an unfamiliar audience?
Discuss difference between probabilities and possibilities : Discuss the difference between probabilities and possibilities. How is this applied to business and managers. Why is this important?
Receive highest level evaluation for the year : A female employee and her (now) spouse are hired as elementary teachers and receive the highest level evaluation for the year.
Why is it important to look at alternatives-trade-offs : Why is it important to look at alternatives, trade-offs, uncertainties, and risk tolerance when making most decisions?
Conversational but professional your task revise : Conversational but Professional Your Task Revise the following to make the tone conversational yet professional.
How developing new skills can contribute to development : Explain how developing new skills can contribute to the development of a competitive edge for your organisation.
Leaders are vital to the success of every business : The first discussion requires you to think critically about how leaders develop and why true leaders are vital to the success of every business.


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