Quagga mussel-affects other species in the freshwater lake

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM131685916

In this lab, you will determine how an invasive species-the zebra and quagga mussel-affects other species in the freshwater lake. Use the animation to help you come up with an answer to the following:

Why do you see increases and decreases in the invasive species population?

What are the implications associated with these alterations to the ecosystem as a whole

Reference no: EM131685916

Questions Cloud

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What steps are in place to eliminate the pollutant : What steps are in place to eliminate the pollutant or to mitigate harm from the pollutant
Quagga mussel-affects other species in the freshwater lake : determine how an invasive species-the zebra and quagga mussel-affects other species in the freshwater lake
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Discuss how it affects the fish and ecosystem : how it affects the fish, ecosystem, and/or other species. For example,there are gill nets, trawling, and hook-and-line fishing


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