Provide professional development

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133188398

As the autism specialist, you may be required to provide professional development to teachers and staff on topics related to teaching and supporting students with ASD. General education teachers often pose questions related to providing direct instruction and addressing behavior concerns. Possessing strong understanding of evidence-based teaching and support practices and specific knowledge about how to implement these practices with fidelity is critical when providing training designed to assist general education teachers with addressing common concerns related to instructing students with ASD. Substantial knowledge of evidence-based teaching and support practices, and how to implement these practices with fidelity is critical when providing training designed to assist general education teachers to address common questions and concerns related to teaching students with ASD.

Create a 12-15 slide digital presentation that could be shared with an audience of general education teachers instructing students with ASD in the general education setting.

Reference no: EM133188398

Questions Cloud

What are daniel dennett claims : What are Daniel Dennett's claims in this article about how the teaching of religion should be approached?
Competency translator : Discuss what you learned as a result of completing the Competency Translator. Analyze personal cultural competencies as they relate to a chosen population
Reflect on connective leadership styles : Reflect on connective leadership styles. Which style most closely aligns with your personal leadership characteristics?
Experience in complex adaptive systems : Many of you have experience in complex adaptive systems whether you realize it or not. Thinking about your current or future practice area, identify an issue
Provide professional development : You may be required to provide professional development to teachers and staff on topics related to teaching and supporting students with ASD.
Human behavior differ from behavior of other species : What effect do instructions and rules have on schedules of reinforcement? Does human behavior differ from the behavior of other species?
Organization external environment : Each of these opportunities must come from force or forces occurring within a dimension of the general environment within organization's external environment
The stages of cyber operations : Explain how each cyber operations stage of the Moonlight Maze incident was implemented and what motivated the activities during each stage.
Behavior analysis or behaviorism : If you are new to behavior analysis or behaviorism, discuss if and how your views have changed. If you are familiar with behavior analysis,


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