Provide a brief context of the chosen community

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Reference no: EM132654954 , Length: word count:1500

PUBH6006 Community Health and Disease Prevention - Laureate International Universities

Essay - Working with Communities

The aim of this assignment is to work with a community to improve their health outcomes for a specific condition. By applying the Ottawa charter and theories, models and approaches of health promotion you will develop a sustainable community-based health promotion program which seeks to achieve community capacity building and empowerment.

Step 1: Choose a community
1. Choose one community of your interest with potential health concerns
• This can be a communicable or non- communicable condition
• This can be any community at local, national or international levels

Step 2: Provide background on the community and the potential health issue

1. Provide a brief context of the chosen community, including community health and potential health issues.
2. Choose one behaviour model to explain health behaviour in this community that leads to this health issue

Step 3: Choose one level to develop
recommendations for a health program using the Ottawa charter
1. Choose one approach (level) upstream, midstream or downstream to develop recommendations for a health promotion program
2. Involving relevant Ottawa Charter strategies (choose at least two)
• Involves population as a whole (equitable)
• Towards action on determinants of health (holistic)
• Combines diverse approaches (inter-sectorial)
• Aim at public participation (participation)
• Health professionals have an enabling role (empowerment)

Step 4: Discuss community capacity building approaches and strategies

1. Discuss with rationale on community capacity building approaches and strategies that would ensure the success and sustainability of the program

Choose at least two strategies from Laverack's ladder


• Provide a short introduction which gives the reader an overview of
the whole assignment
• Briefly introduce the community and potential health concerns (general information only, you will provide details in the main body not in the introduction).
• Explain that your report will propose a recommendation for community-based health promotion to improve community health.
• Generally introductions are approximately 10% of the overall assessment wordcount

Context: The Community and health status

• Seek further information to provide an overview of your chosen community, including community health and potential health issue.
• Check out Australian Institute of Health and Welfare for health status of Australians

• Apply a behaviour model to explain health behaviour in this community that lead to health issue

• Make sure you support all your points with evidence from appropriate sources and add in-text citation

Recommendations for a community-based health promotion program
• Critically analyse how the chosen approach and selected strategies
(Ottawa Charter) are appropriated for the specific community.
• Propose recommendation for community-based health promotion to address community health and health issue of your chosen community.
• This can be a completely new idea, or you can draw on ideas from
research you have done on existing interventions.
• Make sure you support all your points with evidence from appropriate sources and add in-text citation

Success and sustainability of the program

• Discuss with rationale on community capacity building approaches and strategies that would ensure the success and sustainability of your recommendation program.

• (Choose at least two strategies of Laverack's ladder).

• Liberato's works is also helpful here


• In a short paragraph, provide a useful overall summary of your
assignment for the reader.
• Do not introduce any new information/ideas. .
• Generally conclusions are approximately 10% of the overall assessment wordcount

Reference no: EM132654954

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