Proposes treatment options for military service members

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Reference no: EM132659360

Question: Military personnel share the same common issues with which civilians struggle. When a service member deploys with unresolved, common civilian life issues, a combat situation can greatly complicate or exacerbate that issue or create new ones, leading to PTSD or TBI or both. In this Assignment, you consider the treatment options for service members who return from deployment with a new diagnosis.

Submit a 4- to 5-page paper that proposes treatment options for military service members who return from combat with one of the following diagnoses:

• PTSD from combat

• PTSD from sexual assault


• Substance abuse

• Insomnia

Reference no: EM132659360

Questions Cloud

How one factor could be mitigated prior to deployment : Post (2 to 3 pages) an explanation of how one factor of your choosing that informs treatment options could be mitigated prior to deployment.
How document contribute to understanding historical period : How does document contribute to understanding of this historical period? How might it be significant in environmental history?
Difference between biased and unbiased sampling : Describe the difference between biased and unbiased sampling.
How idea of a contract between britons and god introduced : How is the idea of a contract between the Britons and God introduced here, and what hope is there that God will protect against the invaders?
Proposes treatment options for military service members : Military personnel share the same common issues with which civilians struggle. When a service member deploys with unresolved, common civilian life issues.
What would a third golden age of islam look like : What would a third Golden age of islam look like? This exercise requires you to look back at earlier successful periods of Islamic rule
How was muslim society organized : How was Muslim society organized? What limitations were placed on slavery? How were women treated in traditional Islamic society?
What would you do to introduce someone to similar interest : Consider some of your primary interests (hobbies, favorite media, preferable activities). How did you develop an interest in these things? What experiences.
What they do outside of work to keep their life in balance : People often neglect to consider how their own values influence their feeling of fulfillment in their career. If someone feels unfulfilled in any of the basic.


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