Proposed hypothesis at a significance level of alpha

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132409506

Suppose we had the same sample statistics as in Question 3, but our sample sizes for Groups A and B are now 1600 and 2500, respectively. What is your conclusion regarding the proposed hypothesis at a significance level of alpha = 0.10? (Hint: Use t0 = 1.28 as your critical value).

Group of answer choices

Cannot conclude due to inapplicability of Central Limit Theorem

Reject the null hypothesis

Fail to reject the null hypothesis

Cannot conclude due to lack of information

Reference no: EM132409506

Questions Cloud

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Make a committee of eight board members : There are eight female board members and twenty-two male board members.
Discuss the components and use of financial analysis : Explain the impact of accounting transactions in financial statements. Describe the elements and purpose of each financial statement.
Proposed hypothesis at a significance level of alpha : What is your conclusion regarding the proposed hypothesis at a significance level of alpha = 0.10? (Hint: Use t0 = 1.28 as your critical value).
Find the probability that a registered voter is female : The probability a registered voter is female and independent is 15%. Find the probability that a registered voter is female or independent
What is magtelkoms net income for year 12 : Magtelkom reported the following balance sheet information for Year 11 and Year 12. Magtelkom applies IFRS and reports in millions of Hungarian forints.
What is the minimum height of the plane : What is the minimum height of the plane? (Show work and round the answer to 2 decimal places)
What is the probability of observing a score : The SAT scores follow a normal distribution. The mean SAT score is 1200 and standard deviation 100.


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