Project management commercial negotiation

Assignment Help Project Management
Reference no: EM131998692

Task Description

Assignment Overview

This assignment is to be completed individually

In this unit you are required to complete a weekly portfolio and final consolidated portfolio A portfolio provides evidence of previous and current experience and presents a dynamic record of your growth and professional learning over the duration of this unit. Your portfolio will provide an account of your learning based on your practice and your critical reflection


Your task is to wnte a weekly portfolio reflecting upon your learning from the prior week In your portfolio you will

1 Identify the module/topic and the learning outcomes to which tne topic applies
2. Provide a description of your expenence (Including sample readings or records)
3. Describe your learning from your experiences, and
4 Provide supporting documentation of prior or current learning (only reference the source. unless you feel that it is pertinent to include and reference sections of the documents)

The are three purposes for this assessment

1 To help you to develop skills for undertaking research and translating via your technical and creative skills underpinning concepts about project management commercial negotiation, and

2. To give you the opportunity to enhance your analysis. critical thinking and written communication skills: particularly in the areas of thinking about and reflecting en different project domains and project management commercial negotiation

3 To give you the opportunity to enhance your analysis and wrren communication skills: particularly in the areas of rigorous structured assignment writing

Developing a portfolio, as a result. makes your learning more explicit as you translate your workplace and personal experiences into documented evidence. Ycu can then learn to critically examine the nature of your learning on this unit in relation to specific experiences in your project management practice and demonstrate that you have learned from those expenences and have achieved or maintained your professional competence as a result The portfolios are not to be a diary or journal of your readings and activities.


a) Weekly portfolios
Separate templates are provided in the Moodie web site for each week's submission. These templates will help you In structuring and formatting your weekly portfolios. Your weekly portfolio can be as long or as short as you want it to be It Is your portfolio and shows your development of understanding during the unit Naturally, this will make the portfolio different for everyone. Each student's background, education, current and past work experiences are what make the portfolios different. Each student's personal research will be different. What you need to do is to give yourself enough time to reflect and show how you have thought and come to grips with the ideas that address the learning outcomes of the unit. The amount of time you should be allocating to the unit Is 12 hours per week (which includes writing the portfolio). So there should be a fair bit of time for you to make the reflections and reach a depth of insight that will make the portfolio meaningful.

You should revisit the whole of the unit learning outcomes each week. The portfolio for any previous week is a reflection of your insights and thoughts for that week. Once you upload the portfolio then leave it for that week Over the duration of the unit you will find that there is a development and change of your ideas as you study the material.

It Is to your benefit to have the personal discipline to make sure that you do not get behind. If you are allocating 12 hours per week for the unit then there is plenty of time for the portfolio. If you find that one week you slip then ok, but the unit is fundamentally planned so that you need to allocate 12 hours each week. Two hours lost in one week means that you need to do 14 hours the next! The unit is straight forward, but there are lots of web sites to visit and material to download. The set readings are only part of the story and you won't be able to do the unit with just the set readings Unfortunately, much of the material is written from a North American perspective. You will need to consider other industry sectors and also to be able to translate the learning outcomes into an Australian or other cultural perspective. Therefore, you will need to download other files and visit web sites to De able to gather the material you need in your portfolio.

There are no bonus points for getting the portfolio perfect from the first week! In fact the portfolio for the first week is much more likely to be an amateurish attempt It is unlikely that you'll really know what you're doing in the first and second week, and if you pretended you do then it would be hard to believe you anyway! Understanding and familiarity will only develop over lime. As you do the portfolios' each week and keep revisiting the teaming outcomes and adding the unit material then you will gain insights required. Unless you do that on a weekly basis you won't have the appropriate perspective to make the journey and reach the destination by the end of the unit

b) Consolidated Portfolio
At the end of the unit you will need to review your weekly portfolios, consolidate them Into a single document for submission and upload the consolidated portfolio into the Moodie website You will be provided with a template for the consolidated portfolio. Since you'll have made your own Journey studying dunng the unit then the material that you will want to include in this portfolio v.111 be unique for you. Your final portfolio will explain how you have developed your understanding of the learning outcomes and the topics with each week's study. You should make a personal reflection in this submission.

There are a number of ways you can provide a consolidated portfolio It is up to you to decide which way work the best for you. You final portfolio MUST be made as a single submission. For example--

1. You could merge all your submissions into one and provide a single big file.

2. You could alternatively zip all of the previous portfolios into one and use a single 'master' portfolio to refer back to each week.

You must NOT use an index and numbering system to identify material from prior week's leaving each portfolio on the unit web site. Whatever way that you Co it. the final portfolio Is the Important onel It's important that you make rt clear to the marker what your consolidated portfolio refers to otherwise you may not get the marks you expect. An analogy for the final portfolio is that you can imagine that you are going before an examination board at the end of the unit and presenting to them a complete portfolio of your journey through the unit. You will hand each board member a package that they should then be able to read and from It appreciate everything that you have done and learned dunng your work life and the unit.

Your consolidated portfolio must.

1. indicate how you have gained the insights that the unit is seeking to provide.

2. give a personal reflection in your submission. This Is the assessment that gets marked

3. contain a coherent, but necessarily restricted review of the academic literature related to the protect management topics for each week

4. Include a weekly reference list formatted In the prescribed Harvard style

You are also encouraged to include a bibliography. This assessment item involves researching the topics to enhance your understanding of each concept through an utilisation of academic literature and secondary sources Whilst you must use the recommended textbooks and web rinks, you should also refer to other sources on the Moodie web site and additional relevant peer reviewed academic journal articles of your choosing.


Ensunng you have accurate references is Important and will allow the marker to easily Identify where your portfolio maps to the unit or other peer reviewed material. Also you need to show how you have made critical reflection on the material and added your own unique insights.

Verified Expert

In this assignment I have done a write up of 3000 words words on the topic of Commercial project management negotiation for managers Commercial management is "the identification and development of business opportunities and the profitable management of projects and contracts, from inception to completion." Commercial management within an organization is applied only at policy levels.

Reference no: EM131998692

Questions Cloud

Dale buys stock bull with his half million bull : Dale buys stock “bull” with his half million “bull” currently sells for $45 per share.
What evidence will you use to inform your understanding : What evidence will you use to inform your understanding and strengthen your analysis? What will you tell Kate when you meet with her?
Describe the internal controls with example : Employee theft is a major problem in the U.S. retail industry. Information obtained from SecurityInfoWatch reported that twenty-three (23) major retailers.
What is your monthly lease payment : Assume LEASE payments are made at the END of the month, (first payment due end of 1st month). What is your monthly LEASE payment?
Project management commercial negotiation : Develop skills for undertaking research and translating via your technical and creative skills underpinning concepts about project management
What is the future value 40 years from now of an investment : What is the future value 40 years from now of an investment with a 7% nominal annual rate compounded daily when deposits are made
Global set of rules governing mnc investment : What are the arguments in favour of developing a global set of rules governing MNC investment?
Discuss red flags that evoked company to deviate ethically : Write a memo to management requesting their input and suggestions regarding the upcoming short seminars planned by Company A. Include the following topics.
Propose business-level strategy and corporate-level strategy : For the corporation that has acquired another company, merged with another company, or been acquired by another company, evaluate the strategy.



5/28/2018 3:27:27 AM

Assessment Criteria Your assignment will be assessed on the extent and quality to which it meets each of the following criteria. 1. Evidence in regular weekly portfolios of meeting the graduate attributes. (20%) Qualitative reflections of each of the unit learning outcomes. (40%) 3 Quantitative achievement of the unit topics. (20%) 4. Clarity of expression. grammar and spelling (5%) 5. Strict conformity to CQUniverstty Australia Harvard Referencing Guide (author-date). (5%) 6 Document clarity and presentation format. (10%)


5/28/2018 3:27:08 AM

You are required to create and submit weekly portfolios for weeks 1 to 10 and then a consolidated portfolio based on these weekly portfolios. (Learning Outcomes Assessed) 1. Describe the operation of diverse and complex government and non-government project contractural arrangements relevant to a range of managed services, ICT, and build agreements. 2. Analyse common arguments using logic, persuasion and influence factors as commonly applied to conflicting and/or competing stakeholder agendas. 3. Differentiate methods of project negotiation, conflict management, and stakeholder engagement across projects consisting of differing technology standards and asset lifecycles.

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