Produce a comprehensive viable business model

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132369797

Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management

Assignment - A reflective report

Unit learning outcomes

1 Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding
• Demonstrate a critical understanding of the entrepreneurial character, start-up and growth strategies, and business planning.

2 Demonstrate the following skills and abilities

Formulate and produce a comprehensive viable business model following a critical assessment of a market opportunity, using creativity, innovation, and an understanding of financial resource implications.

A reflective report (25%) on whether you have entrepreneurial character traits and the implications for you, based upon online psychometric instruments including the General Enterprise Tendency test.

Its aim is to get you to use the academic skills learned at Business School 1 to help you assess whether you have the character traits and other characteristics of an entrepreneur and to reflect on the implications of this.

Complete the General Enterprise Tendency test (GET). Explain the meaning of the results (see chapter 2 New Venture Creation). A copy of your test results must be submitted with your report.

Provide evidence that supports (or contradicts) these results. For example:

- Other psychometrics tests such as the ‘AULIVE' creativity test on Please acknowledge the use of any test results that have been submitted on other MBA assessments. A copy of any other tests relied upon must also be submitted with your report.

- Examples of your actions and behaviours over your life and business career.

Give a brief account of the antecedent influences on your character traits such as education, family background, work experience etc., linking specific influences with specific traits wherever possible.

Reflect on and provide conclusions about your character traits and the implications for your career aspirations. Please do not include any elements that have been submitted marked in previous submissions.

Verified Expert

The requirement is to reflect on entrepreneurial skills. I have taken 2 tests and analyzed the results.References and citations are added.

Reference no: EM132369797

Questions Cloud

Inventory and ordering decisions : Briefly describe the operations management issue in the ABC Manufacturing scenario and describe how you would approach an analysis.
Business model for an original business idea : Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management MAR015-6 Produce a comprehensive viable business model a critical assessment of a market opportunity
Describe how information technology is helping managers : Describe how information technology (IT) is helping managers build strategic alliances and network structures to increase efficiency and effectiveness.
Create a wbs for your project : Create a work breakdown structure, you are identifying the outcome of the project and then breaking it down into workable chunks.
Produce a comprehensive viable business model : MAR015-6: Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management - University of Bedfordshire - Demonstrate a critical understanding of the entrepreneurial character
Which type of leadership power is britney using : What is the organizational structure at ABCO Corporation? Which type of leadership power is Britney using? Do you feel it is effective in this situation?
Ethical issue of safety-employee overwork and intimidation : Ferrell, Fredrich, and Ferrell introduced the case of Connor at beginning of the chapter and ethical issue of safety, employee overwork, and intimidation.
Invested significant resources in developing the culture : Explain the statement: "Although many leading organizations have invested significant resources in developing the culture and routines for this innovation proce
What are key issues in resourcing this innovation process : What are the key issues in resourcing this innovation process? Once the response is done, then should Respond to one of my friends posting with at least 75 word



9/12/2019 2:14:04 AM

Critical evaluation of GET profile 25% 1st Class – 70%+ Excellent, critical evaluation presentation of your GET profile with excellent reflection and insight evidenced, using examples from experience. Supporting evidence for evaluation (including other tests) 25% Comprehensive, detailed and relevant supporting evidence to support evaluation (including other tests). Analysis of antecedent influences 25% Comprehensive evidence presented and excellent analysis of antecedent influences.Reflection, conclusions and implications 15% Comprehensive evidence to support conclusions, thoughtful implications. Presentation of the report, use of credible sources and Harvard referencing 10% Excellent report, very good academic sources and references correct in Harvard style.

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Business Management Questions & Answers

  Briefly summarize three key events of organizational change

Briefly summarize THREE key events of organizational change you expect during the transition. Which group of employees resisted change the most?

  Profits = liability + stockholders'' equity

2. Which of the following equations is correct?a. Profits = Long-Term Assets + Short-Term Assets b. Profits = Liability + Stockholders' Equity

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In today's economic environment, how can a firm position itself to minimize currency hedging?

  How can companies use product differentiation

How can companies use product differentiation and the capacity control to manage rivalry and to increase an industry's profitability.

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What does it mean when an employee has high need for autonomy, competence and relatedness? Please explain.

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  Influence that customer has in the business

Why is it important to understand the influence that customer has in the business?

  Various features and capabilities

Research the various features and capabilities that this service can provide, and discuss them with your learning team. Also, discuss the legal ramifications.

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Identify supervisory skills appropriate to respond to your considerations.

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