Present the information on key elements and goal in a matrix

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Reference no: EM131802437

Assignment: MAPP Model

The Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP) model was the result of an increased interest in community health improvement efforts, an extensive acceptance of essential public health services such as the framework for public health practice, the necessity of strategically engaging a wider range of community interests, and the opportunity to formalize and activate local public health systems. MAPP is a robust tool of public health practice that can be used to create local health systems that ensure the delivery of health services essential to protecting the public's health. MAPP can also be used to develop media targeted at health issues, including PSAs. In this assignment, you will construct a MAPP model for your PSA.


Use the readings for the module, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet to research MAPP models.

Construct a MAPP model for your selected public health problem. Be sure to include the following:

• Key elements
• Goals formulated
• Action plan

A detailed description of MAPP can be obtained from the:

National Association of City & County Health Officials. (2013). Mobilizing for action through planning and partnerships.

Present the information on the key elements and goals in a matrix. Submit your matrix in Word format. Click here to download a template for the MAPP matrix.

An example of the last step in the MAPP model (action plan) is available:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2013): A public health action plan to prevent heart disease and stroke.

Your action plan will be in a Microsoft Word document and be approximately 5-7 pages in length, and utilize at least 4 scholarly sources in research (beyond the textbook). Your paper should be formatted following current APA standards; written in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Reference no: EM131802437

Questions Cloud

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Explain the immunization effects on the individual : Information should include herd immunity, types of immunity related to vaccination, immunization effects on the individual, and community.
Present the information on key elements and goal in a matrix : Present the information on the key elements and goals in a matrix. Submit your matrix in Word format. Click here to download a template for the MAPP matrix.
How much of the long term capital loss may be deducted : In 2011, Bronze Company had operating profit of $75,000. How much of the long term capital loss may be deducted in 2011
Trading of good creates value without creating any new goods : Explain how trading of goods creates value without creating any new goods.
Process of analyzing balance sheets : 1. What three factors would influence your evaluation as to whether a company's current ratio is good or bad, why?
How much of the casualty loss will be deductible : In 2011 Wilson Enterprises, a calendar year taxpayer, suffers a casualty loss of $60,000. How much of the casualty loss will be deductible by Wilson


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