Prepare the cost plan report by breaking down building

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Reference no: EM132374153 , Length: word count:3000

Cost Planning Assignment -


The purpose of this assignment is to enable students to analyse the influence of design decision making on a given project.


Context - You are the cost planner of a proposed "three-star serviced apartments" project to be constructed in Perth CBD. The project is still at the briefing stage and some major decisions have to be made in the coming weeks.

There are THREE Schemes being considered. You have been given the responsibility to make sure that the design team is aware of the total costs of the three alternatives being considered for this new project.

The client is cost conscious but is prepared to invest more capital costs into the building if it shows a longer term saving or better value.

Notes on Design -

  • The three schemes have the same gross floor area.
  • All dimensions are external measurements and are in millimetres.
  • Drawings are not to scale.

Questions -

1. Which of the cost planning stages (stage A, B, C or D) is the most important stage in the whole construction process of the project? Support your view with arguments and try to use some examples to support your discussion.

2. Prepare indicative costs for the three schemes taking into account the preliminary information provided above. Provide this as part of a report to the client and your report should include a covering letter, introduction and concluding recommendations, with reasons and rationale for the most cost effective scheme.

3. Discuss and analyse the critical factors that could influence the cost advice you are going to provide to the client of the above project.

Scheme A - 6 level "three-star serviced apartments" project (including ground floor),

Scheme B - 6 level "three-star serviced apartments" project (including ground floor),

Scheme C - 6 level "three-star serviced apartments" project (including ground floor)

Further Information - Use the "superficial method" of estimating to calculate the cost of the proposals. Select an appropriate rate per square metre for each of the schemes. The rate must take into account the information that you already have or can assume at this early stage. Use a local source for this information, which may be your own office data, data from a published source such as Rawlinson's Australian Construction Handbook, AIQS Building Economist, Cordell's Building Price Book or from a similar project. Cite these sources and state any assumptions made in your submission.

The indicative cost must also include for the following:

  • Updating of source costs to present date (August 2019)
  • Allowance for escalation to tender award date of December 2019
  • Allowance for escalation to completion date of December 2020
  • External works and services
  • Contingencies
  • Professional fees
  • Any other costs appropriate for this type of building in this location
  • Exclusion items that are excluded from the cost estimate.


The purpose of this assignment is to enable students to achieve the learning outcomes of this unit as stated in the unit guide and to assess the students' performance in the following areas:

  • Analyse the influence of design decision making on construction costs.
  • Prepare elemental cost plan
  • Apply cost management planning techniques to projects to develop balanced economic decision making.


Context - You have been appointed as the cost planner for the owner of a proposed unit development project to be constructed in Perth (please see the attached drawings). The project has progressed from Briefing (Stage A) into Outline Proposals (Stage B) and then into Sketch Design (Stage C) and your client wishes to gain an understanding of the overall cost of the project to confirm funding. In order to ascertain this, they are relying on your expert accurate cost advice.

As the cost planner of the above proposed project, your group is required to carry out the following tasks.

Tasks -

1. You are required to provide a Stage C Cost Plan (Elemental Cost Plan at Sketch Design) for the above project to assist the client. As only sketch design information is available, certain assumptions will need to be made within the cost plan in regards to structure, finishes and fittings. Prepare the cost plan report by breaking down the building into Australian Cost Management Manual (ACMM) elemental codes.

2. Identify any potential cost savings in regards to material selection etc. that may be highlighted in your report to the client in task 1 in case of undesirable tender result.

Additional Instructions - The project will be commencing on site in 9 months from the date of your Stage C cost plan (from June 2020).

Be sure to offer your cost saving suggestions within the report based upon your theoretical, practical and professional experience, and make the suggestions project relevant. Support your suggestions by providing the cost calculations.

The client is keen about improving the sustainable features of this project. Therefore, you are required to make sensible assumptions in your item descriptions in regards to structure, materials selection (ie, floor finishes, wall finishes), services provided (i.e fittings and type of mechanical services etc.) and other sustainable features.

You need to refer to pricing books such as Rawlinson's Australian Construction Handbook, Building Economist, Cordell's Building Price Book etc. for pricing information and cite them in your report. Some of these documents can be obtained from the University Library.

State any assumptions made in your submission. The cost plan report must also include for the following:

  • Updating of source costs to present date (September 2019)
  • Allowance for escalation to tender award date of June 2020
  • Allowance for escalation to completion date of April 2021
  • External works and services
  • Contingencies
  • Professional fees
  • Any other costs appropriate for this type of building in this location
  • What you have omitted from the cost plan for whatever reason (Exclusions).

Attachment:- Cost Planning Assignment Files.rar

Reference no: EM132374153

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9/21/2019 5:38:11 AM

Subject is cost planning (masters of construction management) minimum 2000 words assignment 2 - task consists of 2 subdivisions - my task is to complete 1 st division of assignment 2. Assignment 2 there are 2 subdivisions among 2 subdivisions my task is only 1 st one cost planning and tables kind not the second division so total assignment is of 3000 words . but with 1st subdivision only 2000 words same file I deleted the things which are not required and now i highlighted the required part 1 of assignment 2.


9/21/2019 5:38:03 AM

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS - This document is to be read in conjunction with the Unit Guide for this unit. It is the responsibility of each student to confirm submission requirements including dates, time, and format. Extension or Special Consideration may be considered for late submission. It is the responsibility of each student to understand Deakin regulations regarding late submission and Special Consideration for assessment. You will be required to complete Assignment 1 as an individual and Assignment 2 in a group comprising 4 students. All assignments, unless otherwise noted, must be submitted electronically through CloudDeakin.


9/21/2019 5:37:56 AM

Assignments submitted in any other way will not be marked. Unless otherwise stated, all assignments submitted through CloudDeakin must be in Portable Document Format (PDF). You may refer to publications, but you must write in your own "voice" and cite the references using the Author-Date (Harvard) system. It is essential for you to fully understand what you write and to be able to verify your source if you are requested to do so later on. The library provides workshops and advice on citations and referencing.


9/21/2019 5:37:48 AM

SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS AND FORMAT OF ASSIGNMENT 1 - Students shall work individually. The assignment is to be submitted in a report format and as such should have a formal structure and layout. It should be presented as a neat, tidy and professional electronic document of no more than 2000 words excluding the estimate itself. This assignment should be presented a single PDF document. The report should be your own work. You are particularly reminded not to repeat the assignment brief within the report. All students MUST submit completed assignments into the designated Assignment Dropbox on CloudDeakin for this unit. All submissions should have a cover sheet identifying the unit, the date and the student's name.


9/21/2019 5:37:39 AM

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA - You are advised to consider the assessment criteria and ensure these areas are covered in your report. Assessment grading will be according to the following: Cost Planning and Design Stages - Excellent discussion of most important design stage that provides clear, detailed and logical understanding of cost planning process. Indicative Cost - Clear and logical computation for the indicative cost, with the calculation step-by-step well presented, structured and fully supported. It responds appropriately to the question asked. Report provides and presents a solid recommendation with clear and logic commentary related to the assignment task. Exceed expectations. Factors with Cost Impact - Excellent discussion of factors that provides clear, detailed and logical understanding of their impact on cost. Exceed expectations. Report Format - Report is well structured, formatted and presented with minimal or no spelling or grammatical errors. Correctly referenced. Exceed expectations.


9/21/2019 5:37:29 AM

SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS AND FORMAT OF ASSIGNMENT 2 - Students shall work in groups comprising 4 students. The report should be your own work. You are particularly reminded not to regurgitate the assignment brief within the report. The assignment is to be submitted in a report format and as such should have a formal structure and layout. It should be presented as a neat, tidy and professional electronic document. This assignment should be submitted as a single PDF document. Students MUST submit the completed report as a group into the designated Assignment Dropbox on CloudDeakin for this unit.


9/21/2019 5:37:23 AM

When assignment is submitted, each group must provide one paragraph discussion about how the group went about completing this assignment - how the work was distributed, who did what, what contribution everyone made and how the team collaborated and communicated. Group members should communicate with the Unit Chair if there are any group conflicts prior to submission. All submissions should have a cover sheet identifying the unit, the date and the names of group members. Report should be NOT more than 3,000 words excluding the cost plan.


9/21/2019 5:37:16 AM

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA - You are advised to consider the assessment criteria and ensure that these areas are covered in your report. Cost planning - Clear and logical computation for the estimate, with the calculation step-by- step well presented, structured and fully supported. It responds appropriately to the question asked. Potential cost savings (value management) - Complete understanding and excellent content knowledge of value management and those required for the appropriate design stages Report Format - Report provides and presents a solid recommendation with clear and logic commentary related to the assignment task. The report is well formatted with minimal or no spelling or grammatical errors. Correctly referenced.

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