Prepare quarterly balance sheets for hanson ski products

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Reference no: EM131790105


1. Using the information in the balance sheet for march 31, 1986 (exhibit 2), and the fiscal year 1987 budgets (exhibits 3 & 5) prepare a projected balance sheet for Hanson Ski Products for March 31, 1987. (to do this you will need to estimate the size of the commercial bank loan - Notes bank - on that date.). Does your balance sheet tell you whether or not the plans on which the budgets are based are feasible?

2. Project the size of the commercial bank loan at the end of each quarter of FY 1987 and prepare quarterly balance sheets for Hanson Ski Products for June 30, 1986, Sept 30 1986, and Dec 31, 1986.

Attachment:- Exhibit-1-Hanson-Ski-Products.rar

Reference no: EM131790105

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