Personal leadership styles influence organizational culture

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Reference no: EM132382689

Most people have a blend of leadership styles that they use. Some leaders are more flexible in applying a wide range of leadership styles, whereas others are more consistent and generally use just one or two preferred behaviors. Consider if two strong individuals begin a new company and discuss the following:

If two diverse individuals, each having a different leadership style, were tasked with effectively co-leading an organization, what potential conflicts might occur between these different leadership styles?

How will their personal leadership styles influence the organizational culture?

How would you recommend that these two leaders work together most effectively?

Reference no: EM132382689

Questions Cloud

Differentiate between training and career development : Differentiate between training and career development. Why might training lead to turnover whereas career development might improve retention? Explain.
Explain what makes selected leadership style effective : Explain what makes selected leadership style effective for the particular situation. Compare and contrast the leadership styles leaders chose for each case.
Are some ethical values not culturally relevant : Are some ethical values or principles relative to one's own culture, religion or personal opinion? Are some ethical values not culturally relevant?
How men and women differ in their leadership styles : Discuss how men and women differ in their leadership styles as it relates to power? Which approach to power do you exemplify and why?
Personal leadership styles influence organizational culture : How will their personal leadership styles influence the organizational culture? How would you recommend that these two leaders work together most effectively?
What leader behaviors did Brad Howser exhibit : What leader behaviors did Brad Howser exhibit? How well did they fit the needs of the ad agency? Consider your own leadership style.
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BUSI 643 Applications-retention-deciding to act : BUSI 643-Applications: Retention - Deciding to Act":


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