Performance regarding the change of vision

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Reference no: EM132848500

Understanting COMPANY X. (Eletric) = background of the company.

Summary of critical literature (synthesize reviews already completed - understanding the business (maybe an overview of the company) - 300 words 2)

Scenario a: Benchmarking see the score of the company and see areas that is possible to improve the performance. (250 words or more) + proposal (100 words Company website : origoenergia)

Executive Summary

In this assessment, the group will present OrigoEnergia do Brasil and its performance regarding the change of vision of the corporate world in relation to environmental and sustainable issues, pondering the following topics.
- Context of the company and its relationship with environmental issues.
- SDGs in the company
- Possible scenarios and proposals for the company to improve its sustainable performance.
- Group recommendation.
As a result, it will discuss and analyze the aspects of the company and an option for action.

Understanting COMPANY X. (Eletric) = background of the company.

summary of critical literature (synthesize reviews already completed - understanding the business (maybe an overview of the company) - 300 words

Discussion: Present scenarios and proposals:

Scenario a: Benchmarking see the score of the company and see areas that is possible to improve the performance. (250 words or more) + proposal (100 words)

Attachment:- Benchmarking.rar

Verified Expert

The work is about Origo Energia an energy company located in Brazil. The work gives an overview of the company where it gives the reason behind the opening of the company and its target market. The work also identifies the company values the company associates itself with which include innovation, result-oriented, and client-oriented. The work also talks about scenario A where it identifies the challenges the company is facing and what hinders its performance. The work also provides solutions to improve the performance of the company. The work is prepared in a word document.

Reference no: EM132848500

Questions Cloud

Find the probabilities using the binomial formula : If n=14 and p=0.13, find the following probabilities using the binomial formula. P(x is less than or equal to 12)
What effect would the error in the purchase order have : What effect, if any, would the error in the Purchase Order have on EACH of the following process cycles. Explain both immediate and follow-on impacts
Why are mobile technologies useful to organizations : Are there any other ways that the organization can leverage mobile technologies to attract visitors, Increase ticket sales and improve the economy of the region
What is the cost to the contractor : Each truckload holds 4 cubic yards. What is the cost to the contractor to have all the dirt hauled away?
Performance regarding the change of vision : Performance regarding the change of vision of the corporate world in relation to environmental and sustainable issues - discuss and analyze the aspects
What are the general practices surrounding data collection : Are there any risks, issues, or problems associated with collecting and storing data that isn't needed now, in the event it may be needed in the future?
Performing hypothesis testing for the claims : During the test, the mileage and the top speed is recorded for each of the prototypes. The data will be used for performing hypothesis testing for the claims ma
Calculate the economic value added : Calculate the economic value added (EVA) and the market value added (MVA) in 2019, considering that the cost of capital after tax is 12%
What is the major issue with how jeff is using the data : What is the major issue with how Jeff is using the data? Why is too much data grain not necessarily a benefit to the decision-making process?



4/4/2021 10:09:03 PM

Scenario a: Benchmarking see the score of the company and see areas that is possible to improve the performance. (250 words or more) + proposal (100 words Company website : #References: 3 (I am attaching the file #002 as a reference..maybe necessary some information from this file)..The document 001 is the master file.


4/4/2021 10:08:52 PM

Please work the highlighted sections in the assessment (file 001: 1)Understanting COMPANY X. (Eletric) = background of the company. ? summary of critical literature (synthesize reviews already completed – understanding the business (maybe an overview of the company) – 300 words 2)

Write a Review

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