Output to various destinations

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM131788626

String streams are useful for parsing input strings. They also make it possible to do some rather elaborate formatting one time and then output it to a string from where it can be output to various destinations.

Reference no: EM131788626

Questions Cloud

Determine the cost recovery deduction : Barry sold the asset on Oct. 17, 2017. Determine the cost recovery deduction for 2017
Parameters to hold stream arguments : Parameters to hold stream arguments must be reference parameters, because an input or output operation changes the streams read or write position, respectively.
Connection between the program : If a program is to read data from a file, an i stream must be declared and initialized as a connection between the program and the file.
Determine the cost recovery deduction for business assets : Alice does elect not to take additional first-year depreciation. Determine the cost recovery deduction for the business assets
Output to various destinations : They also make it possible to do some rather elaborate formatting one time and then output it to a string from where it can be output to various destinations.
Char array containing a string stored : Use the string operation data or castor to extract the char array containing a string stored in a string object.
Construct a small set of numbers : Construct a small set of numbers with at least three points with a perfect negative correlation of -1.00.
A company that uses integrated marketing communications : Provide an example of a company that uses integrated marketing communications
How input and output actually occur : stream objects without having to concern themselves with the messy implementation details of how input and output actually occur.


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