Organizations do not just hire positions

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132584173

Organizations do not just hire "positions", they hire people who come with their own set of morals and values. This personal code of ethics guides our choices in what we do, how we think, and what we say. Think about yourself and how your behavior reflects your values, then share:

- Some of your beliefs that influence your decision making.

- How do you think your personal code of ethics can help you along in your career?

- Research the code of ethics for the company of a favorite product.

- Share the link to the "Code of Ethics" and a brief summary.

- What are your impressions of the company based on their ethics?

- Explain how they fit or clash with your own personal code of ethics.

- Be sure to include a link to the Code of Ethic's for the company you have chosen.

Reference no: EM132584173

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Operation Management Questions & Answers

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why a manufacturer would use an industrial distributor to distribute the manufacturer's products?

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