Organizational assessment and action plan

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Reference no: EM132517737

Part 2: Organizational Assessment and Action Plan

This is the second part of a three-part assignment where you will be applying many of the course concepts that have been discussed in this unit and in previous units by conducting a well-researched analysis.

For this part of the assignment, refer to the comments left by the instructor in your Unit VI Scholarly Activity surrounding your selected organization and department.

For this assignment, you will be expanding upon the unit, department, or team you selected for the Unit VI Scholarly Activity by addressing the components listed below.

Formulate an action plan to promote effective organizational change with an emphasis on conflict management policy planning.

Discuss your personal strategies for managing conflict and how you could incorporate different strategies into these processes.

Consider priorities that public managers and employees must possess throughout change processes.

Integrate proven theories to help with rationale, input, and expected outcomes from policy changes.

Discuss possible efforts and tactics for implementing change to ensure a smooth and productive transition.

During this phase, you must develop at least a three-page action plan and utilize at least four of the sources listed in your Unit VI Scholarly Activity or selected replacements.

Reference no: EM132517737

Questions Cloud

Obstacles to diversity such as mistrust and tension : How can managers overcome obstacles to diversity such as mistrust and tension, stereotyping, and communication problems?
Relationship awareness is most important key : I feel like relationship awareness is the most important key here, even they all have the utmost importance for any leader.
Obstacles to diversity such as mistrust and tension : How can managers overcome obstacles to diversity such as mistrust and tension, stereotyping, and communication problems?
Philosophical worldview and research methodology assist : How does understanding the connection between philosophical worldview and research methodology assist in your research approach?
Organizational assessment and action plan : Discuss your personal strategies for managing conflict and how you could incorporate different strategies into these processes.
Social worker can help to address these dynamics : Discuss what you learned in Chapter 9 about family dynamics that exist, and how you as the social worker can help to address these dynamics.
Develop brief synopsis of project : Develop a brief synopsis of a project you would like to propose to your potential company's facilities planning oversight committee.
Economies of scale-economies of scope-global companies : Economies of scale, economies of scope, global companies, global teams, globalization strategy, international division, joint venture, multidomestic strategy,
Concept of enterprise resource planning : Discuss the concept of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP).


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Operation Management Questions & Answers

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When would a business use mobile computing or web-based information systems in their operations?

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Define the following terms and give examples of each one: -behavioral targeting -connection targeting -interest targeting

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What challenges is Etsy facing? Develop a problem statement from the perspective of Etsy’s CEO.

  Advantages and disadvantages of the direct selling method

What are some other companies that sell their products mostly this way? What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of the direct selling method?

  Describe the way it has grown and developed

What is the name of the organization? Give a short account of the history of the company. Describe the way it has grown and developed.

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How can lot sizes and inventories be reduced in a lean production system? Discuss specific approaches.

  Classmates regarding how globalization affects our lives

Participate in a discussion with your classmates regarding how globalization affects our lives.

  What is NAFTA

What is NAFTA? Under what President was NAFTA formed and why? What countries are linked?

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