Observe the child and take observation notes

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Reference no: EM132660483

Description of the Case Study

You have learned about child cognitive development and language develop. Use the information in these two chapters to complete this task. This task intends to make aware of child development to adult cognitive and physical decline. For the child development, you need to observe the child or use your personal experience to report on the changes in the child physical, cognitive and language development. You must write your report to describe the changes that happen to the child as a result of development. In addition, you need to present your report to our class using technology. To complete this task, you must do the following:

1. Identify the child, his / her age, and gender.
2. Observe the child and take observation notes.
3. Organize your observation by topic such as physical development, cognitive development and language development.
4. Write your observation in a report using APA tradition with an introduction, description of your case study, aspects of development and your observation, and a conclusion.
5. Make sure to include complete citation of any literature you used and have a list of references.

Case Study Two: Adulthood Decline

You have learned that there two theories of cognitive and mental decline. When we age, we start losing some of our capacities. Some of use lose fast, while other take longer for several reasons. In your task, you must identify an individual or individuals (male or female) and discuss their physical, cognitive and mental decline. Use the two theories of decline to describe your case. In order to complete this task, you need to do the following:
1. Identify the individual(s) you will study; their age and gender.
2. Describe their career, life experiences and family structure.
3. Observe the individual (s) for a period of time to identify some of the observable decline.
4. Organize your observation by topic such as physical, cognitive, mental (memory for example), and social decline.
5. Write your observation in a report using APA tradition with an introduction, description of your case study, aspects of decline such as cognitive, mental, physical.....etc. from your observation and a conclusion.
6. Make sure to include complete citation of any literature you used and have a list of references.

Task One: Case Study One

You have learned about child cognitive development and language develop. Use the information in these two chapters to complete this task. This task intends to make aware of child development to adult cognitive and physical decline. For the child development, you need to observe the child or use your personal experience to report on the changes in the child physical, cognitive and language development. You must write your report to describe the changes that happen to the child as a result of development. In addition, you need to present your report to our class using technology. To complete this task, you must do the following:
1. Identify the child, his / her age, and gender.
6. Observe the child and take observation notes.
7. Organize your observation by topic such as physical development, cognitive development and language development.
8. Write your observation in a report using APA tradition with an introduction, description of your case study, aspects of development and your observation, and a conclusion.
9. Make sure to include complete citation of any literature you used and have a list of references.

Case Study Two: Adulthood Decline

You have learned that there two theories of cognitive and mental decline. When we age, we start losing some of our capacities. Some of use lose fast, while other take longer for several reasons. In your task, you must identify an individual or individuals (male or female) and discuss their physical, cognitive and mental decline. Use the two theories of decline to describe your case. In order to complete this task, you need to do the following:
2. Identify the individual(s) you will study; their age and gender.
3. Describe their career, life experiences and family structure.
4. Observe the individual (s) for a period of time to identify some of the observable decline.
5. Organize your observation by topic such as physical, cognitive, mental (memory for example), and social decline.
6. Write your observation in a report using APA tradition with an introduction, description of your case study, aspects of decline such as cognitive, mental, physical.....etc. from your observation and a conclusion.
7. Make sure to include complete citation of any literature you used and have a list of references.

Attachment:- Description of the Case Study.rar

Reference no: EM132660483

Questions Cloud

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Observe the child and take observation notes : Observe the child and take observation notes and Organize your observation by topic such as physical development, cognitive development and language development
What were consequences of the protestant reformation : What were the primary causes and consequences of the Protestant Reformation? How did the Reformation change Europe between 1500 and 1648?
Define prehistoric : Contrast the ancient civilizations of the Ancient Near East and Egypt. What are some of the markers of civilization that we find in both civilizations?
Why did people start wars over land conflicts : During the iron age, why did people start wars over land conflicts instead of resolving them peacefully.. Give details about one modern- day land conflict..
Differences between action research and traditional research : Identify similarities and differences between action research and traditional research.


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