New market for the company

Assignment Help Project Management
Reference no: EM132485402

The project is progressing well, and you have now been asked if there is enough time and budget to create, and distribute a new marketing mailing. This mailing will be focused on a new international marketplace, so the existing materials cannot be used as is. The materials will need to be translated (external resource), have different graphics applied, and use different colors. The cost for mailing internationally is twice the cost of the domestic mailing, and the volume is 200,000-250,000 addresses. A mailing list will be purchased for this mailing because it is a new market for the company.

Reference no: EM132485402

Questions Cloud

Why is the sponsor acceptance of the project : Why is the sponsor's acceptance of the project important to project closure?
Motive-benefits of project meetings : What should be the motive/benefits of project meetings? List out the project meeting types that are useful?
Determine how many years will take to deplete an account : Determine principal amount of $P. If he desires a payout (return) of 0.1 P each year, how many years will it take to deplete an account that earns 8% per year?
Effects of personality depend on the situation : The effects of personality depend on the situation. What are some job situations in which agreeableness is an important virtue?
New market for the company : The project is progressing well, and you have now been asked if there is enough time and budget to create, and distribute a new marketing mailing.
Computing income taxes? : Computing income taxes?. Calculate the? corporation's tax liability by using the corporate tax rate structure in the popup? window
Access to undertake the project : You work for an organisation that makes and sells baked goods. You have been appointed project manager of a team whose task it is to develop a new product
Determining and computing earnings per share : If ABC Company earned $260,000 in net income and paid cash dividends of $80,000?, what are? ABC's earnings per share if it has 85,000 shares? outstanding?
Develop a new staff recruitment and selection process : You are employed as a supervisor at the local mail distribution centre. The centre wishes to develop a new staff recruitment and selection process


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