Measuring financial leverage-long term solvency measures

Assignment Help Finance Basics
Reference no: EM131537520

Obtain Financial Statements and market data (current stock price, number of shares outstanding) for the two companies from its Hoovers data set found in the company's website,,,, or Edgar

Calculate following ratios and measures for Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts and compare them to the industry ratios. (Make Sure to compare the ratios to the industry ratios).

Here are the ratios that you will need to calculate:

Calculations need to be in Excel and with formulas shown

Measuring Financial Leverage - Long term Solvency Measures

  • Long Term Debt Ratio
  • Long Term Debt-Equity Ratio
  • Total Debt Ratio
  • Times Interest Earned
  • Cash Coverage Ratio

Reference no: EM131537520

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