Marketing requires the use of promotional campaigns

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132299586

1. Marketing requires the use of promotional campaigns to relay a firm’s message to the public. What are some considerations of a green promotional campaign from a product perspective? What about from a practical business perspective?   Provide specific examples to support your answers.

2. One large bakery still receives flour in 25-pound bags from their own company's warehouse. They use an average of 5800 bags a year. The production step that uses these bags use 42 bags per day while the usage is 24 bags per day. It costs $18.50 to configure the machines for each run. Annual carrying costs are $4.25 per bag. What will be their average number of bags on hand if they request the EPQ bags in each order? (Keep up to two decimal places in your answer)

Reference no: EM132299586

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